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All seven differences between var, let and const in JavaScript

Learn the differences between the keywords var, let and const when declaring variables.

Lazy image and iframe loading using pure HTML

Just set the HTML 'loading' attribute to 'lazy' for images and iframes!

From JavaScript object or array to variables with destructuring assignment

Efficiently store property values and array elements in variables.

Page event listeners: DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload and unload

Sometimes we want some code to run only when a page has reached a certain state of loading (e.g. the

The right way to clone an object in JavaScript

We investigate how to make a proper 'deep clone' of an object in JavaScript.

Using fetch to make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests

Learn how to make HTTP requests in plain JavaScript using it's in-built fetch method.

Higher-order array methods with simple examples: map, filter, sort and reduce

Use flexible higher-order array methods to help achieve your programming objectives.

Content modal tutorial

Learn how to display content in more detail to a user in a modal window

Random quotes generator

Create a random quotes generator app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

The tips and tricks of ES2019

The new features introduced to JavaScript by ES2019 reviewed