Category: ES6+

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Adding a default parameter value to a function in JavaScript

A default parameter value is used if no argument is passed in when a function is called.

ES2022: What’s new for JavaScript?

ES2022 introduces upgrades to classes, negative array indexing, top-level await in modules, and more!

Writing HTML in JavaScript made easy with template literals

With template literals, it is easy to write blocks of HTML in JavaScript.

The spread operator (the three dots of JavaScript) and its uses

The spread operator lists the contents of an iterable in a comma-separated list.

From JavaScript object or array to variables with destructuring assignment

Efficiently store property values and array elements in variables.

The tips and tricks of ES2019

The new features introduced to JavaScript by ES2019 reviewed

ES2018: A review of the new features with code examples

Learn about all the new features introduced to JavaScript by ES2018 language update

Looking back at the ES2017 updates to JavaScript

Learn about the new JavaScript features introduced by ES2017

A look back at ES2016

ES7 introduced a new exponentiation operators and .includes() array method

ES2020: Hello BigInt and dynamic importing

Continuing our ES6+ series, we take an in-depth look at the new features introduced by ES11 (2020)