Tag: Javascript

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Generate QR codes using JavaScript

In JavaScript, QR codes can be generated using the free QRCode.js library.

Create a timestamp in JavaScript

The in-built Date() method can generate an accurate UNIX timestamp.

Upload progress bar using XHR (Fetch alternative)

The XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object can be used to make and track upload progress.

A guide to using localStorage and sessionStorage

localStorage and sessionStorage objects allow you to store data from to user's browser.

setTimeout() and setInterval() in JavaScript

setTimeout() and setInterval() allow you to delay the execution of code or run it repeatedly.

Using the useEffect() hook in React

useEffect() runs code once on initial rendering or specific rerenders.

Using Fetch with async/await

Async/await allows a Fetch request to be handled using synchronous-looking syntax.

map() vs forEach()

The map() and forEach() methods both iterate through arrays, but are not interchangeable.

We made the Feedspot top 30!

This blog has been listed #15 in the Feedspot list of JavaScript blogs

Using the Fetch API in React with functional components

How to use JavaScript's native Fetch API to make HTTP requests in React.