Tag: data

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How to upload a file using the Fetch API

You can upload a file using the Fetch API as part of a FormData object or as a standalone file.

Create an upload progress bar with Axios

Using Axios, you can track the upload progress of a POST request to create a progress bar.

How to get the length of an object in JavaScript

Unlike arrays and strings, objects don't have a length property to query.

Converting a number to a string with commas in JavaScript

How to print a number as a string with comma-formatting or other locale-specific styles.

How to create a universally unique identifier (UUID) in JavaScript

Easily generate UUIDs in standard format using the Web Crypto API.

Frontend pagination with vanilla JavaScript

Improve efficiency by avoiding unnecessary loading with JavaScript pagination.

How to print a JavaScript array to the DOM

Learn how to print a JavaScript array to the DOM in readable format.

Web scraping in NodeJS with Puppeteer

Learn how to scrape data from web pages.

Check if a HTML input element contains (no) user input

How to check if a user has provided input to a HTML input element.

Using Axios to make HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT & DELETE)

Axios allows you to make HTTP requests with minimal syntax.