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Automated title capitalization with JavaScript

How to create a title capitalization function in JavaScript.

Inserting elements and text-data to the DOM using JavaScript

JavaScript provides a range of options for inserting content into the DOM.

Comparing dates in JavaScript

Dates that are stored in Date objects can be compared or sorted via their Unix timestamp.

Create a timestamp in JavaScript

The in-built Date() method can generate an accurate UNIX timestamp.

Getting and formatting date and time in JavaScript

Date and time objects created using the Date() constructor can be output in various formats.

Rounding numbers in JavaScript

Rounding methods are available on the Math object and on numeric data.

Upload progress bar using XHR (Fetch alternative)

The XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object can be used to make and track upload progress.

A guide to using localStorage and sessionStorage

localStorage and sessionStorage objects allow you to store data from to user's browser.

setTimeout() and setInterval() in JavaScript

setTimeout() and setInterval() allow you to delay the execution of code or run it repeatedly.