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How to shuffle an array in JavaScript

How to create a function that shuffles the order of array elements.

How to create a strongly random password generator

Create a cryptographically strong random password generator.

The this keyword in JavaScript (simple explanation)

The 'this' keyword is a versatile reference to a parent data object.

Check if a number is odd or even in JavaScript

Create a utility function to perform a check of whether a number is odd or even.

How to remove the last character from a string in JavaScript

Use the negative indexing of the slice method to remove the last character from a string.

Make fetch GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests in a single line

Reduce the amount of code needed to make HTTP requests using fetch.

Truthy and falsy values in JavaScript

There are seven values in JavaScript that convert to Boolean false in a logical statement

Make browser go back to previous page using JavaScript

How to go backwards and forwards in a user's browser history.

Adding keyboard input events in JavaScript

How to handle keyboard input events in JavaScript.

Using querySelector and querySelectorAll

Select elements from the DOM using the full power of CSS selector syntax.