Category: FAQs

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Create a unique ID in JavaScript

Create a unique ID to identify a user or session with an embedded creation timestamp.

Detect an ad blocker with pure JavaScript

How to detect if a user is blocking ads using JavaScript.

How to iterate through a JavaScript object

JavaScript objects are extremely common, but also notoriously difficult to iterate through.

How to shuffle an array in JavaScript

How to create a function that shuffles the order of array elements.

How to create a strongly random password generator

Create a cryptographically strong random password generator.

The this keyword in JavaScript (simple explanation)

The 'this' keyword is a versatile reference to a parent data object.

Check if a number is odd or even in JavaScript

Create a utility function to perform a check of whether a number is odd or even.

How to remove the last character from a string in JavaScript

Use the negative indexing of the slice method to remove the last character from a string.

Make browser go back to previous page using JavaScript

How to go backwards and forwards in a user's browser history.

Adding keyboard input events in JavaScript

How to handle keyboard input events in JavaScript.