Tag: DOM manipulation

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Content modal tutorial

Learn how to display content in more detail to a user in a modal window

Random quotes generator

Create a random quotes generator app using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Instant and dynamic HTML table creation with JavaScript

Create HTML tables instantly and according to desired preferences

Build a mobile-friendly testimonials slideshow

Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build testimonials that users can cycle through

Create a mobile-friendly, full-screen video background

How to set a video as the background for a web page using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Build a mobile-first, collapsible navbar

Learn how to code a collapsible navbar using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Create a JavaScript news app

Use JavaScript's fetch to import data and create a dynamic news app

How to build a JavaScript calculator

Program a functional calculator using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Build a BMI calculator with graphic output

Learn how to program a BMI calculator and output the result in text and graphic format

How to open a new browser window from JavaScript

Use the open() method on the window object to open a new window in the browser.