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Serve Static Files in Node.js with Express

You can use Express as a static file server for a HTML website or SPA.

Show Desktop Notifications with JavaScript in the Browser

Using the Notificaitons API, you can send system-level notifications to a user.

Build a REST API with Node.js and Express

Express provides a simple sytnax for creating a REST API in Node.js.

Wait for Multiple Fetch Requests to Finish

You can use Promise.all or Promise.allSettled to wait for multiple requests to complete.

NodeMailer Tutorial: Send Emails in Node.js

How to emails to one or more addresses and including attachments.

Handle a File Upload in Node.js and Express with Multer

Multer allows files and any additional form data to be easily parsed from a request.

Input Form Field Suggestions with HTML and JavaScript

Input suggestions can be coded with HTML only and options populated with JavaScript.

Upload Multiple Files using the Fetch API

Learn how for both an input the 'multiple' attribute and with multiple input elements.

Get the size of a file in JavaScript

First get the data in blob or blob-like format and then access its size property.

How to Get the File Extension from a Filename String

You can combine lastIndexOf() and slice() to get the file extension.