Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021: JavaScript still king

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Last updated: October 7, 2021.

In case you find yourself need a little motivation to push your forward on your JavaScript learning journey, the StackOverFlow 2021 Developer Survey results are a good place to look.

The survey sampled 83,052 respondents, 58,031 of whom were professional developers.

JavaScript is still the most used programming language

Once again, JavaScript came out on top as the most commonly used technology or programming language used by respondents. 65% of all respondents and 69% of professional developers reported using JavaScript.

In overall usage, JavaScript is in fact used by more developers than HTML/CSS (56%). The next popular programming language was Python (48%).

In more good news for JavaScript-based technologies, Node.js — JavaScript’s server-side guise — ranked as the sixth most popular technology overall, with around one-third of respondents reporting using the technology.

The rise of TypeScript continues

TypeScript — which adds types syntax to JavaScript — also ranks highly, especially amongst professional developers with 36% reporting using the technology. This is an impressive increase over last year, when 28% of developers reported using.

Given this large increase, it seems likely that the popularity of TypeScript will continue on an upwards trend for some time.

jQuery loses its crown

In terms of frameworks, React has toppled jQuery as the most used framework for the first time, with 40% of all respondents

Though jQuery has a reputation for being in decline, it still remains the second most popular web framework still remains the second most used framework (34%), and still some way ahead in its usage compared with Angular (23%) and Vue.js (19%).

Read the full results of the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 (new window).